Movie Torrent

It is a program designed for searching, downloading and sharing files.

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Movie Torrent is a very bad copy of the uTorrent popular torrent client. The developers promise that Movie Torrent is a great alternative to popular torrent clients.

They say that Movie Torrent allows the user to simplify the process of searching for files (movies, music, games, photos) and downloading them. Movie Torrent is based on Java, so you need to have that framework installed before you can even start using it. When you first open the application, you will notice that it looks 99.99% similar to uTorrent. Every little menu, button, screen is similar to uTorrent. It is not even funny. The only thing different is the name of the application on the top bar. I couldn't find a single button to start a search from within the application (uTorrent can't do this either). Vuze can do it just fine. So, without having the ability of downloading torrent files from within the application and without going to a torrent search engine, downloading Movie Torrent is exactly the same as using uTorrent. However, the latter does provide user support and has a pretty expansive wiki for users. Movie Torrent has no help and the website only has a few screenshots and the download link. I smell something really fishy about this. Opening bittorrents files is one thing this program does really well!


  • Opens torrents well


  • Looks like a bad copy of uTorrent
  • No search capabilities whatsoever
This program received 7 awards
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bazooka 9 years ago

It's not utorrent fault. You must check seeds and leeches of file. In order to get max speed torrent health. More seeds means healthier torrent.

Guest 9 years ago

Can anyone please suggest other torrent downloaders, I have tried uTorrent and it takes too long to download (+2 days). :Search:

Guest 9 years ago

This app is bad as it downloads adware Win32/DownWare.L.

Yulian Rohmy 9 years ago

Dear Guest, thank you for the provided report. We have taken immediate actions.

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